I produced, shot, and edited all the content below the 4th video above. If you click on the image above, you will be taken to my ShowReel Playlist on Youtube.
My involvement in the first four videos is explained below:
Niantic video: I sought and attained permission to use a blue-chip video produced for a Christchurch PSA, then remixed it into a video for a community of gamers who wanted the video game company, Niantic to hold a festival in Christchurch.
BPA video: This is an excerpt from an award-winning broadcast documentary series called “Strange Days on Planet Earth” made for National Geographic. I was the Production and Post-production coordinator for the two one-hour documentaries.
The 39 Species video: Ornithologists shot hundreds of hours of footage over a number of years to get the 39 known number species of Birds of Paradise on video. I was the Production Coordinator and DAM manager for the National Geographic Museum Exhibit and broadcast film. I edited many of the short videos featured here: http://www.birdsofparadiseproject.org/. I was also the Project Manager for the interactive website and helped create several HTML5 animated pieces.
Birding Warblers video: Ornithologist shot this video, but I did the editing and graphics.
Things to note:
I won multiple awards for my web documentary, “Why don’t we ride zebras?” It was originally uploaded in two pieces due to the 10-minute video limit Youtube had in 2008. The film has over a million hits to date.
I made the ‘Migrating Mural‘ video for a Kickstarter client. The client received full funding.